Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Few More Minutes of Bobbing in the Ocean

I’m alive, well and picking the blackberry seeds out of my teeth in Doe Bay on Orcas Island, Washington. I’m hoping to make this quick so I can take on more soak in the hot baths here before getting on the ferry to Anacortes and Port Townsend.

Inspiration and timing have rarely coexisted this trip. My best thoughts and stories happen while riding along on my motorcycle. If I had more time right now, I would tell stories like Cass and Scotty almost freeze in Yosemite, Republican Cows, The Harvest Moon vs. The Halogen Monster, I-5 Cell Phone Impact, A Night of Junkie Counseling, the One Mile Diet, the Ill-advised Night Rider, How to Double Your Money on the Nevada Border and a whole lot more. Of course, I am choosing to go out and soak my travel weary bones one more time before jumping on Shadowfax and blazing off this island paradise. The Pacific Coast awaits…

More soon, or at least a bunch of photos.


Andy Kennedy said...

oh finally and thank goodness, you're alive. :) i've shared your blog on twitter, hopefully people will follow.
happy trails, keep writing :)
lots of love

Scott Glackman said...

Thanks A,
I'll see you guys in the 'Boat in a few weeks.

Love, Scott

Moontroll said...

um, who is your friend in these pics?